Due to the weather forecast for snow and poor driving conditions all morning, we will NOT try to have a worship service at the church building on Sunday, February 16.
Please join us at 11 AM on our YouTube channel for morning worship.
Due to the weather forecast for snow and poor driving conditions all morning, we will NOT try to have a worship service at the church building on Sunday, February 16.
Please join us at 11 AM on our YouTube channel for morning worship.
After 28 years of faithful service to Living Hope Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Gordon H. Cook, Jr., and and his wife Pam have retired from active ministry and are leaving the Brunswick area.
As Living Hope searches for a new pastor, the Rev. John Kramer has taken on the pastoral role and will be doing most of the weekly preaching and Bible studies. While the congregation of Living Hope will miss Gordon and Pam, we are thankful for God’s providing John and his wife Bonnie as John takes on more of the leadership role.
As colder weather is here and storms are coming, remember that we almost never cancel morning worship at 11 AM. However, if the weather is bad, we may cancel the 10 AM Sunday School classes. Please check with John Kramer before venturing out, and keep your family's safety in mind.
Our morning service is available on YouTube and Facebook if you decide not to drive on a stormy day!
The adult Sunday School is working through a study of the Psalms. Please join us at 10 AM for study and prayer together!
There are classes for children as well, using materials and Bible lessons from Great Commission Publications.
This week, February 20, the midweek Bible Study group (via Zoom) will continue their study of the book of Deuteronomy. Contact Rev. John Kramer to get a copy of the study guide. Our time together includes fellowship, prayer, and the study of God’s Word
Contact Pastor Kramer by 3 PM on Thursday to ask for your Zoom invitation to attend.
The next First Sunday Fellowship Lunch is scheduled for Sunday, March 2. Bring something to share and join in a time of good food and good fellowship after the morning worship service!
Living Hope attendees who are fully vaccinated or who have recovered from COVID-19 may now gather without masking or social distancing. You may, of course, continue to mask if you feel more comfortable doing so or if you have a condition that makes masking advisable.
The Session of Living Hope Presbyterian Church remains committed to helping you and your loved ones to remain safe as we worship the Triune God together through the Lord Jesus Christ.
To this end, we urge people who are not feeling well to avoid in-person gatherings of the church.
We continue to encourage those who have not been vaccinated to wear a mask while attending church gatherings. Anyone who desires to wear a mask at LHPC is welcome to do so.
We also provide remote worship opportunities on Facebook and soon on YouTube.
Worship services continue to be live-streamed on the church's Facebook page.
To access the live-stream of our worship services:
If you have a Facebook account: simply type Living Hope Presbyterian Church - OPC into the search line and look for the church logo (not the church building!). (If you go to Living Hope Presbyterian Church and do not see the video, you may be on an administrative page; be sure to add - OPC to your search!) At 11 AM the livestream of the worship service should appear and play.
If you do not have a Facebook account, you can go on the internet to facebook.com/mbopc This will also take you to the church’s Facebook page where you can open the livestream.
Living Hope Presbyterian Church is using both Facebook and (as of March 7) in-person services to worship together.
If you have a Facebook account, you can simply type Living Hope Presbyterian Church into the search line to go to our Facebook page. At 11 AM the livestream of the worship service should appear and play.
If you do not have a Facebook account, you can go on the internet to facebook.com\mbopc This will also take you to the church’s Facebook page, though you may have to go through some ads to get there.
Living Hope Presbyterian Church will be gathering for worship on the Lord’s Day, but because of the pandemic, some of us may gather in spirit rather than all face to face.
We hope that you will join us as we observe the Lord’s Day in rest and worship. Remember, even if you cannot see and hear your brothers and sisters at Living Hope, we are all worshiping together! Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus and enter heart and soul into that sweet communion with God that only Jesus can provide.
When parking here at Living Hope, we want to be good neighbors. There are spaces in the parking lot behind the church building, and parking is available on the grassy center strip between our driveway, closest to the church building, and our neighbor’s driveway, but please do not encroach on our neighbor’s driveway. We realize that parking spaces are limited here at the church, so please be mindful of this as you park. There also are some on-street spaces on Westminster Avenue, between Uncle Tom’s Market and the Sweet Angel Thai restaurant.
We share driveways and parking lots with our neighbors, and, especially now that the weather is warming up, children may be in and out of the church building, as well as adjacent buildings. Please drive slowly and carefully in the parking lot and in all areas near the church. We want everyone to be safe! Thanks!